Invest in your area.
The problem with LoRa at this time is the lack of coverage. We can either wait until there is a national roll out or we can wait for years.
We at LoraTag have a proposal and a solution. If like me you can see the ever growing market and applications of the new technology. Then why wait, become part of it.
Help us to help you. We are asking you not to invest in us as a company, but in your own area.
Our Proposal.
We are asking you to invest £3000. In return we provide you with the following
In return
We provide you with two External Gateways, enough to cover an average town
A mixture of 10 tags or contact sensors of your choice.
£300 of local advertising to promote the introduction of LoRaWan to your local area which we will organise for you.
5% of all nett sales through the website paid back to you for your postcode area e.g PL21
A voucher code specifically for you, family or friends giving 15% off all purchases on the site. (this is instead of the 5%)
We will also contact business in your area with the view of retailing and promoting the units.